Friday, May 13, 2011

One Mom's Dream

MeMi and Company began with a dream that started in my kitchen. As a single mom, my time is split between the needs of my family and my full time job.  After my second wonderful child, Abby, was born, I began to bake cakes with my aunt when I went to pick Abby up on my way home. It was then that my Aunt Carolyn began training me in cake decorating. It became a new hobby that I enjoyed so much that I am now trying to  turn this into a career so that I can spend more time with my children.

I have been cooking ever since I was a child. I remember baking with my mom and cooking dinner with my dad. My mom made our birthday cakes each year whether it was a dinosaur for my brother, a Barbie for my sister, or a teddy bear for me. In our family, we ate every meal together and our kitchen table was a place that tears were shed, hurt feelings were healed, and laughter was abundant. Now, I have my own kitchen table to share with my son, Gage and my daughter, Abby. Through Memi and Company, I want to share the love that has been shared in my kitchen with you.

Please check my blog often to see what new cakes and cupcakes I have made.

My Family
Donnie- my fiancee, Gage- my son, Abby- my daughter, and myself

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